Saturday, November 28, 2009

Not one problem, but two

Here's why sometimes it seems so hopeless:

My father has trouble recognizing what needs to be done. He lives in denial with regards to my mother's mental state.

My husband and I spoke to the pastor and his wife over lunch last Sunday. They know that we need to take action.

I spoke to my dad's psychiatrist as well, when he called a few nights ago. He agrees that my mother needs treatment and had a list of suggestions on how to accomplish this.

It seems as though everyone recognizes the severity of my mother's problems - everyone but my dad, anyway.

This evening I told my dad very clearly that my mother needs psychiatric help and that she needs medication.

His response?

"Well maybe there's some sort of natural alternative..."


Really, what can you say to that?

1 comment:

  1. You must feel as though you're banging your head against a brick wall! I do feel for you, GG
